
GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (GTC) of Exito GmbH, FN 290458w, Brunau 9, A-4841 Ungenach. Status: 08/01/2010
§ 1 Validity: Our company’s deliveries, services and offers are based exclusively on these § 1 Validity: and conditions The version valid at the time of the conclusion of the contract is decisive We do not recognize any terms and conditions of the customer that contradict or deviate from our terms and conditions, unless we have expressly agreed to their validity. Contract fulfillment actions on our part do not count as consent to contractual conditions that deviate from our conditions.
§ 2 conclusion of contract: Our offers are subject to change and non-binding A contract offer from a customer requires an order confirmation. Sending the goods ordered by the customer also concludes the contract. If offers are sent to us, the person making the offer is bound to it for a reasonable period of at least 8 days from receipt of the offer We are entitled to refuse to accept the order – for example after checking the customer’s creditworthiness. We are entitled to limit the order to a normal household quantity.
§ 3 delivery, default of acceptance: The information on delivery times is considered to be approximate. All events that delay manufacture or delivery entitle us to cancel our delivery obligations in whole or in part or to extend the duration of the disruption. In the event of a delay, the customer only has the right to withdraw after a reasonable grace period to be agreed with us has expired without result, but not to claim compensation. All deliveries are made ex works for the account and risk of the recipient. The choice of the shipping route and the means of transport are left to us, excluding any liability If the customer has not accepted the goods as agreed (default of acceptance), we are entitled to store the goods with us after unsuccessfully setting a grace period. At the same time, we are entitled either to insist on the fulfillment of the contract or, after setting a reasonable grace period of at least 2 weeks, to withdraw from the contract and use the goods elsewhere.
§ 3 retention of title: We deliver all goods subject to retention of title and remain our property until full payment has been made. The assertion of the reservation of title only constitutes a withdrawal from the contract if this is expressly declared. When taking back goods, we are entitled to charge any transport and manipulation expenses incurred. If third parties access the goods subject to retention of title – in particular through seizure – the customer undertakes to point out our ownership and to notify us immediately. If the customer is a consumer or not an entrepreneur whose ordinary business includes trading in the goods purchased by us, he may not dispose of the goods subject to retention of title until the outstanding purchase price claim has been paid in full, in particular not sell, pledge, give away or lend them. The customer bears the full risk for the goods subject to retention of title, in particular for the risk of destruction, loss or deterioration The customer has to reimburse us for all damages and costs that arise from a breach of these obligations and from necessary intervention measures against third party access to the goods.
§ 4assignment ofclaims: The entrepreneur is entitled to resell the goods in the ordinary course of business. He already now assigns to us all claims in the amount of the invoice amount that accrue to him through the resale against a third party and undertakes to make a corresponding note in his books, open item lists or on his invoices. We accept the assignment. After the assignment, the entrepreneur is authorized to collect the claim. We reserve the right to collect the claim ourselves as soon as the entrepreneur does not properly meet his payment obligations and is in default of payment. Any claims against an insurer have already been assigned to us within the limits of Section 15 of the Insurance Contract Act. Claims against us may not be assigned without our express consent.
§ 5 prices: The prices offered are daily prices and apply until further notice . Prices are subject to change. The price includes the statutory sales tax Our sales prices do not include delivery, assembly or installation costs. On request, however, these services can be provided or organized by us against separate payment. The costs actually incurred for transport or delivery including a reasonable surcharge for management costs, but at least the freight and carriage wages applicable or customary on the day of delivery for the selected type of transport, will be invoiced. Installation work is charged according to the time required, whereby a man-hour rate customary in the industry is agreed.
§ 6 Terms of payment, default interest: Unless otherwise agreed, our claims are to be paid in cash step by step against delivery of the goods. Discount deductions require a separate agreement. In the event of default in payment, including partial payments, any discounts – also in the event of insolvency or compensation of the customer – shall cease to apply and the valid catalog price is due. Payments by the customer are only considered to have been made when they are received on our business account. In the event of default of payment, we charge 12% default interest per year from the due date of the invoice as well as our costs for reminders and collection by a lawyer or an authorized collection agency. If we operate the dunning process ourselves, the customer undertakes to pay an amount of € 10.00 per reminder. The entrepreneur only has the right to offset if his counterclaims have been legally established or have been recognized by us. The consumer has a right to offset only in the event of our insolvency or for counterclaims that are legally related to the consumer’s liability that have been determined by a court or recognized by us.
§ 7 right of withdrawal: In the § 7 right of withdrawal: default of acceptance (§ 3) or other important reasons, such as in particular insolvency or bankruptcy § 7 right of withdrawal: due to lack of assets, as well as default of payment by the customer, we are entitled to withdraw from the contract if it has not yet been fully fulfilled by both parties. In the event of withdrawal, if the customer is at fault, we have the choice of claiming flat-rate compensation of 25% of the gross invoice amount or compensation for the damage actually incurred. In the event of default in payment by the customer (§ 6), we are released from all further performance and delivery obligations and are entitled to withhold outstanding deliveries or services and to request advance payments or securities or to withdraw from the contract after setting a reasonable grace period. If the customer withdraws from the contract – without being entitled to do so – or requests its cancellation, we have the choice to insist on the fulfillment of the contract or to consent to the cancellation of the contract. In the latter case, the customer is obliged, at our option, to pay flat-rate compensation of 25% of the gross invoice amount or the damage actually incurred. In the case of long-distance contracts (§§ 5a ff Consumer Protection Act), the consumer can withdraw from the contract within 7 working days, with Saturdays not counting as working days. Die Frist beginnt mit dem Tag des Einlangens der Ware beim Verbraucher bzw. bei Dienstleistungen mit dem Tag des Vertragsabschlusses. It is sufficient to send the declaration of withdrawal within this period. Tritt der Verbraucher gemäß dieser Bestimmung vom Vertrag zurück, hat er die Kosten der Rücksendung der Ware zu tragen. Bei Dienstleistungen, mit deren Ausführung vereinbarungsgemäß innerhalb von 7 Werktagen ab Vertragsabschluss begonnen wird, ist ein Rücktritt nicht möglich.
§ 8 Mängelrüge: Unternehmer müssen die gelieferte Ware innerhalb einer angemessenen Frist auf Mängel untersuchen und uns diese innerhalb einer Frist von einer Woche ab Empfang der Ware schriftlich anzeigen; andernfalls ist die Geltendmachung des Gewährleistungsanspruchs ausgeschlossen. Verdeckte Mängel sind uns innerhalb einer Frist von einer Woche ab Entdeckung, spätestens jedoch binnen drei Monaten, schriftlich anzuzeigen. Zur Fristwahrung genügt die rechtzeitige Absendung. Bei begründeter, rechtzeitiger Mängelrüge sind wir lediglich verpflichtet, die Ware zurückzunehmen und nach unserer Wahl entweder die Kaufpreisforderung zu stornieren oder eine mangelfreie Ersatzware zu liefern. Weiter gehende Ansprüche des Käufers, insbesondere solche auf Schadenersatz, sind ausgeschlossen.
§ 9 Gefahrübergang: Beim Kunden geht die Gefahr des zufälligen Untergangs und der zufälligen Verschlechterung der Ware mit der Übergabe, beim Versendungskauf mit der Übergabe der Ware an den Spediteur, den Frachtführer oder der sonst zur Ausführung der Versendung bestimmten Person oder Anstalt auf den Kunden über. Der Übergabe steht es gleich, wenn der Kunde mit der Annahme in Verzug ist.
§ 10 Geringfügige Leistungsänderungen, Garantieausschluss: Abweichungen von unseren Katalogbeschreibungen behalten wir uns vor. Es gelten geringfügige oder sonstige für unsere Kunden zumutbare Änderungen unserer Leistungs- bzw. Lieferverpflichtung vorweg als genehmigt. Dies gilt insbesondere für durch die Ware bedingte Abweichungen (z.B. bei Holz- und Furnierbild, Maserung und Struktur, Maße, Farben, etc.). Wir geben gegenüber unseren Kunden keine Garantien im Rechtssinne ab. Herstellergarantien bleiben hiervon aber unberührt.
§ 11 Produkthaftung: Regressforderungen im Sinne des § 12 Produkthaftungsgesetzes (PHG) sind ausgeschlossen, es sei denn, der Regressberechtigte weist nach, dass der Fehler in unserer Sphäre verursacht und zumindest grob fahrlässig verschuldet worden ist. Außerhalb des Anwendungsbereiches des PHG beschränkt sich unsere Haftung auf Vorsatz oder grobe Fahrlässigkeit. Die Haftung für leichte Fahrlässigkeit, der Ersatz von Folgeschäden und Vermögensschäden, nicht erzielten Ersparnissen, Zinsverlusten und von Schäden aus Ansprüchen Dritter gegen den Kunden sind ausgeschlossen.
§ 12 Schlussbestimmungen, Gerichtsstand: Es gilt österreichisches Recht. Die Bestimmungen des UN-Kaufrechts finden keine Anwendung. Erfüllungsort ist der Sitz unseres Unternehmens. Als Gerichtstand für alle sich mittelbar oder unmittelbar aus dem Vertrag ergebenden Streitigkeiten wird das für unseren Sitz örtlich und sachlich zuständige österreichische Gericht vereinbart. Wenn der Kunde ein Verbraucher ist, gilt dieser Gerichtstand nur dann als vereinbart, wenn der Kunde in diesem Gerichtssprengel seinen Wohnsitz, gewöhnlichen Aufenthalt oder Ort der Beschäftigung hat oder wenn der Kunde im Ausland wohnt. Sollten einzelne Bestimmungen des Vertrags mit dem Kunden einschließlich dieser AGB ganz oder teilweise unwirksam sein oder werden, so wird hierdurch die Gültigkeit der übrigen Bestimmungen nicht berührt. Die ganz oder teilweise unwirksame Regelung wird bei Verträgen mit Unternehmern durch eine Regelung ersetzt, deren wirtschaftlicher Erfolg dem der unwirksamen möglichst nahe kommt.